HMP&PS Neurodiversity Support Team – Trauma Informed Practice Training
After the success of 2 cohorts of staff in a newly developed Neurodiversity Support Team we have recently competed training for a further 4 cohorts of staff with learners completing a 2 day Trauma Informed practice training courses delivered over 3 virtual sessions;
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding what Trauma Informed Practice is including values and principles that underlie it
- Gaining awareness of how trauma manifests
- Exploring the four principles of TIP – Recognise, Respond, avoid Re traumatisation, build Resilience.
- Understanding why Trauma Informed Practice is important for services
- Understanding what Trauma Informed Practice looks like and skills and techniques to support understanding trauma and respond
- Exploring how trauma affects staff specifically considering compassion fatigue, secondary and vicarious stress and how to respond to it and prevent it
- Developing practice skills and techniques to come alongside the client in a trauma informed way