Neurodiversity Support Team HMP&PS Reducing Reoffending, Partnerships & Accommodation Directorate - Trauma Informed Practice
We were commissioned to deliver a virtual Trauma Informed Practice programme to Neurodiversity Support Managers who support young people/adults within prison settings.
The course was bespoke to include key topics related to neurodiversity and trauma within prisons.
Learning Outcomes
- An understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences – what they are and the impact
- What is meant by the term “trauma” and how it affects the nervous system
- How trauma symptoms may present
- Exploring the four principles of TIP – Recognise, Respond, avoid Re traumatisation and building Resilience.
- Learn about tools and techniques to support understanding trauma and respond
- The principles of self-regulation and exercises that can promote this
- Different ways of taking a trauma informed approach
- How we manage the impact of supporting traumatised children/parents on our own well-being
- Explore how trauma affects staff specifically considering compassion fatigue, secondary and vicarious stress
- Understand secondary and vicarious trauma and how to respond to it and prevent it
- Consider how to build resilience in ourselves and our team
- Develop practice skills and techniques to come alongside the client in a trauma informed way
- How to support neurodiverse young people and adults
Learners Feedback
“This was the best training I have attended in a long,long time!!”
“Try to affect change from higher levels within the prison system”
“I am going to use an image of the Window of Tolerance in some training with staff. Also about how we communicate and positive communication styles”.
“Considering use of language and informing individuals when writing reports about language impact”
“I will try to imbed as much as possible into my daily practice”.
“I will be looking at shifting the culture of the prison environment to be more trauma informed and considerate”.
“Organise training for staff around trauma informed practice”.
“I intend to re-engage as one of the TRiM Managers (Trauma Risk Managers) so that I can help staff after traumatic events. I also have a greater understanding of how to increase staff awareness around being trauma-informed, so I plan to use this in my staff training”