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Tower Hamlets - ATHE Level 4 - Working with Children, individuals and families

We have continued our long-standing relationship with Tower Hamlets providing our Level 4 Working with Children, Individuals and families qualification.

This was the 8th cohort of staff to complete the qualification and many of the staff joined with a clear expectation of the content and were excited to undertake the course having talked with peers who had previously completed.

14 staff joined the cohort and completed all 3 units which included:

  • Unit 1 - Engagement and Communication - Building Effective Relationships
  • Unit 2 – working with families - Assessment, Tools and Planning
  • Unit 3 - Supporting family members towards independence and self – reliance.

Learners completed a portfolio of evidence that included knowledge-based assignments, case studies, reflective accounts, examples of practice and manager witness testimonies.

We made the course specific to their roles which included family support workers, play and education staff, learning and development staff.

Learners reflected on the current polices and processes in place in their roles and how they currently work with families, the benefits of their new practice guidance and how they could enhance their practice and outcomes for families.

Feedback from learners on the impact of the course to their practice included:

"This course helped me to understand the whole family assessment process, the use of reflections, different types of meetings (TAF/TAC) and built my confidence in getting into deep conversation in a non-judgmental way with families/individuals to get better understanding about their situations/needs. Also using various tools when working with families/individuals".

"I will make sure my endings with Families are appropriate and it is not sudden."

"I am embedding the skills and the knowledge acquired as a result of attending the course in my Practice e.g. I am confidently using all the principles of better together in my practice, using relationship-based approach with families. I have done a lot of reflection on my practice so that families can get the best out of the service that I offer them at the Family Hub."

"The trainer is such an excellent teacher who really knows how to make connections with people. She has a unique way to ensure she supports and helps each and every individual as well as explaining the contents in an easy manner."

"I have gained knowledge and understanding of multiple and complex needs within a family unit and how multiple life factors impact each member of the family differently, not just the children we work with. In understanding this further, I hope that I will be more effective when building relationships and encouraging positive changes and engagement with other professionals."
