Dr Ama Collison
Dr Ama Collison is an Educational and Child Psychologist, working to support young people aged 0-25 experiencing barriers to their engagement in education, through individual assessment and group work with young people, consultancy, training and supervision of school staff and other multi-disciplinary professionals and parental engagement. Ama specialises in supporting the social, emotional and mental health needs of children and young people and has been trained to have an in depth understanding of school and other educational systems. Ama has more than 15 years’ experience supporting children and young people from marginalised groups (including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), care experienced young people, young people permanently excluded from school and refugee and asylum seeking young people), their families and educational professionals across mainstream, specialist, independent, grammar, alternative provisions and local authority maintained education and care settings and within the youth charity sector. As a practitioner psychologist, Ama works systemically to improve the educational outcomes for young people, including frequently delivering whole school INSET training (on topics such as Attachment and Developmental Trauma, Differentiating Learning to support SEND and Neurodiversity Affirming Approaches to Learning) and has curated and presented at professional conferences for the Children, Schools and Families Directorate workforce, such as 'Racial Equality in Education' and cross-functional EDI roundtable EDI. In 2021-2024, Ama developed and delivered a Trauma Informed Schools project in one London Local Authority, which she rolled out across 12 schools, in partnership with the Virtual Behaviour Service. This involved supporting schools to audit their current trauma-informed provision, planning and delivering half-termly training sessions with Senior Leadership from the schools selected to take part on related themes and coaching of Senior Leadership teams in these schools. More broadly, Ama offers psychological assessments for young people experiencing barriers to their learning, training, consultancy and reflective practice opportunities for educational settings and is also an expert witness in educational appeals.
Ama completed a doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology at UCL in 2013, having previously graduated from The University of York with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology in 2007. Ama previously worked as a local authority Senior Practitioner Educational Psychologist for 10 years, is currently the Director of an Independent Educational Psychology practice and is currently training in "Supervision in Schools and Community Contexts" at the Tavistock and Portman. Ama has previously worked in the Local Authorities of Merton, Croydon, Southwark and Medway. Ama is also currently a Principal Teaching Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at Kings College London where she works across two post graduate diplomas supporting the teaching and clinical skill development of trainee mental health practitioners in schools and parent practitioners.

- Contact details
- 01603 251730
- info@interfaceenterprises.co.uk