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Bracknell Forest motivational interviewing training

Bracknell Forest Council worked in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council having received innovation funding from the Department for Education (DfE) to test out new and innovative ways of working across family safeguarding teams. Using Motivational interviewing approaches is core to their family safeguarding program.

We provided a manager’s program starting in September 2017 followed by six cohorts of two day training for the family safeguarding team followed up by a series of workshops provided over 10 days to support them to embed this into practice. Training was extended to include those working in Family Intervention projects, youth Offending Teams, Fostering, Looked after Children, Targeted Youth Support and Family Group Conferencing.

 Feedback included:

‘This has helped me to understand why sometimes in the past, the way I was working, did not work! I need to think about their viewpoint!’

‘Transformational – thank you’

‘I will use this in my personal life as well.’

‘Superb trainer – really motivational’
