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Trauma Informed Practice training - Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership

We provided a large training programme and associated support across the Social Work Teaching Partnership around:

  • A continuing professional development offer on trauma informed practice. This was around supporting participants to be trauma aware
  • A Train the Trainer programme to enable core staff to go on to deliver trauma awareness training  
  • Creating a resource pack with all relevant materials, links to videos, research etc.

We are excited and delighted to be providing this support to the social work teaching partnerships as we are truly passionate about trauma informed approaches underpinning the way practitioners work with families.

Delegates have really engaged with this interactive training experience and feedback has been excellent including:

The trainer was absolutely brilliant! Engaging, and knowledgeable in the area

The training has been invaluable, the experiences shared have been really helpful and made me think about my own practise and how I can begin to practise in a trauma informed way

There is no way to improve this programme it was fantastic
