EIF: Supporting children's social and emotional wellbeing as they return to school
Social & emotional learning (or SEL) is an essential part of every child’s education. And it is widely recognised that a focus on emotional wellbeing and relationships will be critical to children’s ability to re-engage and learn when they go back to school following the Covid-19 lockdown.
EIF Early Childhood Services Hub
This is an online hub for local leaders, commissioners, practitioners and researchers who want to use evidence to improve outcomes for children and their families in maternity and the early years.
EIF maturity matrix: Maternity and early years
The EIF maternity and early years maturity matrix has been developed to support local areas to take a system-wide approach to improving outcomes for children and families.
Policing Challenging, Violent or Aggressive Behaviour: Responding to Families
Children’s Emotional Language and Thinking have published a report giving recommendations on how the police could most effectively deal with Childhood Challenging Violent or Aggressive Behaviour (CCVAB). -
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 years on report
This report reviews developments since the publication of the landmark Marmot Review; Fair Society. Healthy Lives in February 2010 which highlighted the need for action across the social determinants of health and called for progress to be made on a clear set of policy objectives. -
Adverse Childhood Experiences - EIF Report
This major report by The Early Intervention Foundation examines the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) evidence base in terms of its quality, the conclusions which have followed and the strength of evidence underpinning common responses to ACEs, including routine ACE screening and trauma-informed care. -
FGM, Forced Marriage & CSE
Free on line courses to help increase understanding of these important issues.
CHANNEL awareness
Free Online training provided by the Home Office
Introduction to PREVENT & PREVENT referrals
Free Online Training provided by the Home Office
Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma Online Learning
Free online learning course provided by the Home Office Early Intervention Fund