We provide regulated accredited qualifications which meet the needs of those working with Children, Individuals and Families.
Level 4 Certificate - Working with Children, Individuals and Families
This course leads to a qualification which is regulated by OFQUAL. It is a 15 credit Level 4 qualification consisting of 3 units and is run either face to face or virtually.
Level 5 Leadership and Management Certificate - Working with Children, Individuals and Families
This is an OFQUAL approved Level 5 leadership course specifically for those leading and managing those working with children, individuals and families.
Level 6 Certificate in Coaching
This is a 27 credit Level 6 course which develops knowledge, understanding and skills in coaching.
What our clients say:
Case Studies
ATHE Working with children, families and individuals Level 4 – Workpath, LB Tower Hamlets
Following a successful delivery of 4 Level 4 accredited programs to multi agency staff in the LB Tower Hamlets we were approached by Workpath to deliver a bespoke program to meet the needs of their workforce.Read More -
City and Guilds Working with Parents Level 4 – LB of Tower Hamlets
LB of Tower Hamlets wanted to embed an accredited program into their whole family working framework. This training was to coincide with changes in the authority and a will of LBTH to invest in their staff.Read More -
LB Tower Hamlets – ATHE Level 4 working with individuals, children and families
Tower hamlets commissioned Interface to run this brand new accredited course following our delivery of 4 previous city and guilds accredited courses.Read More -
Level 4 Certificate, Working with Children Individuals and Families, Southside, Bath
Southside were looking for a training program that would support and enhance the work they are completing in their family service and the local community. One that aligned with their vision put the family at the centre of their thinking to build resilience and independence.Read More -
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Level 5 leadership Qualification
We have been working with leaders across RBKC for the last 6 months on the Level 5 Leadership and Management Certificate - Working with Children, Individuals and FamiliesRead More -
Government of Jersey - ATHE Level 4 Working with children, individuals and families
We are working with Jersey’s Children First.to provide our ATHE Level 4 working with children, individuals and families qualificationRead More -
East Sussex ATHE Level 4 Working with children, individuals and families
East Sussex commissioned an inhouse cohort of family workers to complete the qualification following the success of a small number of staff attending our open level 4 offer.Read More -
Hartlepool ATHE Level 4 Working with Children, Individuals and Families.
We were approached by Hartlepool looking for an accredited course that would meet the needs of the early help workforce and be adaptable enough to include their parental conflict agenda and priority in the area.Read More -
Level 4 – Working with Children, Individuals and Families– Warrington
Warrington Borough Council has implemented an integrated multi-agency approach to supporting children, young people, families and vulnerable adults across the continuum from Early Intervention to statutory safeguarding services.Read More -
Level 4 – Working with Children, Individuals and Families– Halton
Halton Borough Council is in the process of developing and implementing an integrated multi-agency approach to supporting children, young people, families and vulnerable adults across the continuum from Early Intervention to statutory safeguarding services.Read More -
London Open - ATHE Level 4 Working with Children, Individuals and Families.
We had 3 local authority areas attend our London open training course, they appreciated learning together and exploring how their services are working with families in the early help arena.Read More -
Shropshire ATHE Level 4 Working with Children, Individuals and families
Shropshire early Help Service were keen to offer an accredited program to key staff that would enhance skills confidence and knowledge and be flexible enough to include internal processes and vision.Read More -
Level 5 - Royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea
We were asked to provide a second cohort of the Level 5 Leadership and Management Certificate - Working with Children, Individuals and Families in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Level 5 OPEN Training
This cohort saw learners from Local Authorities including Shropshire, Essex, Camden and Nottingham and a range of voluntary sector organisations including PACT (Prison Advice and Care Trust).
Level 5 OPEN Training Oct 21 Cohort
This cohort of 10 learners came from Health, Local Authorities and colleagues from a range of voluntary sector organisations