LB Tower Hamlets – ATHE Level 4 working with individuals, children and families
The new ATHE course matched Tower Hamlets commitment to upskill staff and encourage the multi agency workforce to engage in its family outcome plan and work together to the strengthening Stronger Families (SSF - Tower Hamlets response to the Troubled families) agenda.
We worked in collaboration to ensure that the learners assessments and portfolios were built around the priorities for Tower Hamlets and SSF agenda.
A range of staff and disciplines attended the course including, children’s centre managers, representatives from Housing, community support, drug and alcohol, specialist parenting, and the police.
All staff completed the 6 days training delivery and built a portfolio of evidence based on their direct work.
This evidence included:
- Managing complex engagement and communication strategies
- How they support families and individuals to become independent and self reliant
- Mange their own resilience
- Work with multi agency partners and the family to assess needs
- Complete effective SMART family plans
- Work in strengths based approach
- Child development
The impact of the course showed services changed how they engaged with families and their partner agencies. Services amended their processes and supported peers to engage with the wider SSF agenda.
Feedback following the training delivery:
Very enjoyable course, I definitely feel that my practice will benefit from the learning and sharing, the sessions have been so informative and fantastically run and resources excellent
The thrill of developing a better understanding of complex issues that families experience and how to address them in new ways
Course has opened my eyes to so much which as a Police Officer I would never have been taught otherwise
Would fully encourage everyone to attend the course where possible, a very nice course to gain a qualification for those working with families with complex needs
I think it’s an excellent course and others would benefit from it in delivering their services, the course is extremely informative and useful