ATHE Level 4 certificate – Working with Children, individuals, and Families.- Autumn 2022 Open course
We run a regular open course for our accredited level 4 qualification, this is to support organisation who may have a few members of staff they would like to complete the course. It also allows individuals to self-fund the qualification and support their own learning and development and some flexibility with the allocation of budgets for organisations.
For our Autumn 2022 group we have staff attending from a range of roles such as Early Years, Family Assessment Centre staff, family support, criminal justice, education welfare and family coordinators all working together in training to share ideas, experiences and thoughts on what works when delivering services to vulnerable children and families.
The course is run over 9 virtual sessions and a number of one to one meetings with the learner and assessor.
All assessment work is set with guidance and examples, which learners have say they find very helpful, alongside a comprehensive professional guidance e-book specifically designed to follow the qualification.
All learners complete a portfolio of evidence that includes written knowledge-based assignments, reflections, case studies and examples of practice in assessing need, creating SMART plans and building independence and self-reliance.
We are looking forward to submitting all portfolios and for learners to receiving the qualification.
Course Content
The qualification is run over 3 comprehensive unit these are:
Unit 1
Engagement and Communication – Building effective relationships.
Unit 2
Assessment, Tools, and Planning
Unit 3
Supporting family members towards independence and self-reliance