Central Bedfordshire: Family Hubs Feasibility Study
In February 2022 Central Bedfordshire Council was awarded DfE funding to support initial exploration around the feasibility of developing Family Hubs and commissioned Interface to undertake this work.
This work involved:
Raising awareness and building a more consistent understanding of the family hub model by briefing a wide range of stakeholders about family hubs
- Conducting multi-agency stakeholder discussions to explore perspectives on potential benefits, opportunities and the challenges of developing family hubs in Central Bedfordshire
- Designing focus group questions for research with families and young people, conducted by Homestart
- Undertaking a high-level review of strategic direction and outcomes across the system for children and families, including physical assets controlled by the local authority
The feasibility study identified a range of options for progressing the family hub model to support discussions and decisions regarding to what extent Central Bedfordshire might move forward with family hubs as part of the wider system transformation