Early Help Training – London Borough of Haringey
Haringey were keen to skill up their internal staff to enable the training to continue in a sustainable way so a 2 day train the trainer programme was delivered to 21 multi agency staff who then co-delivered the program alongside Interface. A workshop session was held for internal trainers at the point of handover.
The 3-day Early Help Course included modules on:
- The Early Help Framework, pathway and processes
- Information Sharing
- Early Help Assessment and planning
- Lead Professional role
- Incorporating the Early Help Framework approach into everyday work
- Consent and information sharing
- Analysis and Decision Making
- Whole family Approaches
- Domestic Violence
- Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of child, young person and family
- Thresholds for early help
- Voice of the child/parent
- Developing resilience and promoting protective factors
- Opportunities and dilemmas
- Trust and respect between professionals
- Mental health
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Presenting cases to Early Help Panel
- TAF and TAC
- Neglect/physical abuse
- Effective communication with children, young people and families
Feedback from learners included:
“excellent training, delivered clearly and appropriate to my role as a health visitor”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the 3 days training and it has increased my awareness in working with families in Haringey”
“The trainer was very knowledgeable and made the training days enjoyable and informative.”
Commissioners Feedback
The experience of working with Interface has been very positive and valuable to the organization
The trainer has been very flexible in meeting our organisation’s needs.
Her style has been particularly effective in holding, supporting and gently challenging staff during a period of significant change and subsequent uncertainty.
Her training style is clear, warm, appropriately challenging and encourages reflection. She has fed back regularly to managers on any wider issues that have been raised during the training and that we should be considering which is particularly helpful.
Feedback from participants has been consistently positive about the quality of the delivery of the training.
Interface responded and worked effectively and flexibly in the context of significant transformation. This has included adapting training content to reflect changes to processes, feedback from participants and changes needed in response to identified developmental needs.