Early Start Group – Staff Support and Supervision
We provided a tailored 2 day Staff Support and Supervision course to the Early Start Group.
The group consisted of a range of managers and senior staff with supervision responsibilities and those in newly appointed positions where staff supervision was to be introduced.
We worked with key leads in Early start to gain an overview of staff attending and created a bespoke course to meet their needs. We included the internal process and templates being used in supervision in the training.
The 2 days included:
- Understanding the key principles of supervising teams and practitioners working with families with complex needs
- Increased understanding and awareness of the complexities and issues for practitioners working with families and how to support them effectively
- Develop knowledge of reflective practice, reflexivity and critical thinking in supervision
- Understanding the importance of effective record keeping in supervision
- Gain knowledge of a range of approaches and strategies to effectively manage difficult situations arising through management and supervision
The team developed an action plan at the end of the 2 days to be completed over the next month to ensure all learning was embedded in practice.
Feedback following the 2 days was very positive with 100% of learners evaluating the training as good or excellent in terms of impact on their practice and trainer skills and knowledge.
Staff commented that they would feel more able to facilitate reflective conversations and address difficult situation that arise.