Gloucestershire County Council: Supporting the development of Family Hubs
Interface was commissioned in July 2021 to provide support from the very beginning of Gloucestershire County Council’s journey to develop Family Hubs
Cabinet approval was given in July 2021 to extend the end date of the current Children and Family Centres until 31st March 2023, which are focused on providing targeted family support services. This was to allow time to reshape and consult with the voluntary and community sector, statutory organisations and early years providers in order to consider an offer around developing an integrated service to the children and families in Gloucestershire focused more on prevention and early intervention.
Interface conducted a programme engagement and support which included:
- Strategic visioning workshop (July 2021) for leaders from partners across the early help system to raise awareness and explore their commitment and appetite to working towards a Family Hub model.
- Stakeholder Engagement workshops (August 2021) in the six Localities to develop a shared understanding of local assets and outcomes
- Supported the Health & Wellbeing Board Children’s Coalition to provide leadership and governance
- Co-produced the principles and vision for Family Hubs, including the new integrated model
- Supported the writing of the Cabinet paper for the age and stage approach to developing Family Hubs, starting with 0-11 years.
- Developed the service specification and outcomes framework (February to September 2022)
- Facilitated provider engagement events prior to going out to tender
This work has supported:
- the commissioning team to make the shift towards a ‘needs-led out-come focused’ service specification that was co-produced by a range of stakeholders
- the development of trusting relationships needed with stakeholders to achieve the system transformation they are aspiring too.
- the building of the strategic commitment to continued integration within a 0-19 (up to 25 for SEND) services as part of the phased approach to developing family hubs starting with children 0-11 years.