Gwynedd - Baby, Child and Teenage Brain Development
We have delivered training sessions to Gwynedd both face to face and on a virtual basis to facilitate the changing environment and rules for group gatherings.
The full days training included understanding of key milestones in brain development and impact on long term positive outcomes.
We looked at self-regulation and trauma responses and how these strategies can be included in practice to support the worker relationship and co regulating.
The group considered case examples and opportunities in their own practice to explore development, be curious about assessments and adapt strategies for intervention.
Course content
- Key understanding of baby, child and teenage brain development
- Understand the impact of poverty, neglect and poor parenting on the developing brain.
- Understanding the impact on practice and be able to compile effective interventions based on child/teenage developmental needs.
- Build effective communication strategies with children and teenagers.
Staff feedback:
Feedback from the training was very positive with all attendees saying that the training was relevant to their role and work with families.
Comments included :
That they felt empowered to share brain development and key learning with parents
That they now had an appropriate language to use.
They had a greater understanding of the children and young people they are supporting