Level 4 Working with Parents (Intense support for families with complex needs) Training – Sefton MBC
Sefton were commissioning a large piece of work to meet their troubled families response and were brave and confident to offer the level 4 working with complex parent’s qualification out to 100 of its multi-agency staff in order to embed change in practice to working in a whole family way. This included frontline staff, schools, children’s centers, voluntary organisation and the police.
Sefton wanted a training organisation that was steeped in knowledge and experience of working with different agencies and complex family work and Interface could evidence that experience and knowledge.
Interface trainers met with all relevant managers in a pre-meeting to allow them time to consider and reflect on what the training would provide and what it would mean for their workers and service.
A senior troubled families coordinator worked closely with the Interface trainers and held this level of contact throughout. He was able to feedback direct information both positive and gaps to individual managers where appropriate.
The multi-agency staff very much valued the sharing of knowledge a multi-agency approach to the training offered. The evaluations showed a increase in their ability to engage with families and recognise the impact of the interventions they are providing.
Staff reflected that they feel more confident to work with families following the course, and that they have more tools to engage. The staff felt they had more clarity on their role by spending some time reflecting on new thinking and embedding some good practice skills.
Following a successful first large cohort Sefton have joined a neighbouring borough (Warrington) and we are now providing a further 3 level 4 training programmes for them.