Parental Capacity to-Change Training - Catch 22
We provided a 2-day core programme for a range of staff in a commissioned the early help service. We and then returned to the service for 2 follow up days where we explored the extent to which the model had become embedded into operational practice. We tailored the follow up days to meet the specific needs of the services. The teams were able to give clear examples of where the model had been incorporated into their practice, including use of the goal attainment scaling techniques, routine consideration of barriers and facilitators for change using the C-Change model. Some managers and practitioners also told us they used the model in their peer and individual supervision sessions.
Feedback included
"Better understanding that “parental capacity may be there but not the ability to change”
“it has provided useful tools to break down and explain things/tasks to parents and children”
“As a manager this will help to give a clearer picture of whether or not our interventions could be successful as they are based on capacity and motivation to change _- particularly helpful for escalation”
“really beneficial assessment tools when feeding back to social care”
“I will be able to approach things in a more measurable timescale because I will look at the smaller things that can make the biggest difference and have a rolling effect on other difficulties.”
“C-Change will support me to manage practitioner’s aims for families and support setting of SMART Goals”