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Salford, Barton Moss - ACE's training

Interface delivered a one-day program to staff form the education team at Barton Moss, a Secure Children’s Home, within the group, there were teachers, higher level teaching assistants and speech and language therapists. 

The training day covered research relating to adverse childhood experiences and practical ways to work in a trauma informed way. The day was interactive, with a number of activities to help consolidate and embed learning. Staff explored potential hurdles that may be faced when changing their way of working to a trauma informed model as well as opportunities to embed their new learning into practice. 

Learning outcomes from the day included: 

  • Understanding what Adverse Childhood Experiences are and how they impact on the developing child/ young person
  • Understand what is meant by the term “trauma” and how it affects the nervous system
  • Recognise trauma symptoms present in young people who attend the service
  • Know how to use a trauma informed practice model to support young people 
  • Identify different ways of supporting children/ young people who are at different levels of recovery
  • Recognise our own nervous system responses and how to manage these whilst supporting traumatised children

This was the second time training staff at Barton Moss. Due to positive feedback from the residential team, following the delivery of this training, the head of education booked Interface to deliver the training again to her team.

 Learner Feedback included: 

  • All delegates marked their learning against the objectives at the end of the course as either good or excellent
  • All delegates said they would recommend this training to others
  • Delegates said they really enjoyed the training and it gave them lots to think about and a desire to continue learning about the topic
  • Delegates said they felt they had a good understanding of ACE’s and felt better able to support the young people at their setting
