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Shropshire - Early Help training

Our most recent commission was to complete a package of training to support their Early Help service. This included the following courses that were delivered independently whilst ensuring learning was integrated to the wider Early Help agenda including their Family Hub work.  

Staff support and Reflective Supervision course for managers – 2 days 

2 days training for managers supporting staff working with families to build confidence and skills in managing the changing roles in delivering support to families, how to balance support and challenge in a reflective way. and building skills to ensure record keeping and auditing of assessments and plans to ensure they are up to date and fit for purpose.

100% of managers rated the training's usefulness to practice as Excellent. 

Early Help Practitioner Program – 4 days 

A comprehensive 4-day course split in blocks of 2, focusing on the core knowledge, skills and practice in working with families.

The cohort of staff came together to share experiences and skills in their differing roles that sit under the Early Help framework including education, health, and social care.

The sessions were all delivered face to face making the learning experiential and interactive.

Content included:

  • Effective communication and engagement skills
  • Working with multiple and complex needs.
  • Assessment skills including capturing the voice of all family members
  • Tools to support managing and assessing risk
  • Developing a SMART Family Plan
  • Identifying and sharing knowledge and understanding of partner agencies and community support
  • Building resilience and independence into family work
  • Introducing safe endings for families and individuals and capturing qualitative data on the journey for the family
  • Reflective Practice
  • Worker resilience and wellbeing


Trauma informed practice and Motivational Interviewing – 2 days

To enhance the early help course and to support individuals who were interested in trauma as a potential barrier to services, staff also had 2 full days to explore what Trauma Informed Practice looks like and to support families with a motivational approach. The interest in this course was overwhelming and a long waiting list soon developed.

Staff were keen to explore how working in trauma informed way would support their interventions and conversations. 

Staff Feedback

Feedback was excellent with 100% of staff evaluating the course as excellent in improving their skills and knowledge.

The opportunity to bring staff together to create common themes when working with families was appreciated by all.

We are looking forward to working with Shropshire Council again in 2023/24
