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Shropshire - Young People and Risk

We have a long working relationship with Shropshire and were delighted to work with them on a virtual training course to improve skills, confidence and practice in working with young people.

We understand that working with children and young people under any circumstances takes skill, hard work and commitment from practitioners.  As children move towards adolescence and or experience difficulties in their life the supporting role can become more challenging. 

The training offered practitioners an opportunity to reflect on knowledge and current practice working with young people and explore how we can identify and manage changes and increased risk. 

The 6 half day sessions covered a number of topics and were specific to the needs and services in Shropshire.

Content included:   

  • Introduction to Adolescent Brain Development and changes during puberty
  • Introduction to Trauma Informed Practice
  • Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Exploring key issues facing young people both nationally and locally 
  • Introduction to Contextual Safeguarding and how it contributes to managing risk and protecting young people from harm.
  • Exploring how to apply Contextual Safeguarding locally and who your partners can contribute to your local area.
  • Risk management – What’s your role? how do create risk management plans that have impact?
  • Exploring engagement and how we develop trusted relationships with young people
  • Look at “What Works?” explore tools and interventions both national and local

Practitioners were given resources and links to organisation’s with additional information and tools to enhance their skills and practice to take their learning further independently. 

Feedback was very positive with 100% of attendees seeing an improvement in skills, knowledge and confidence. 

Some of the individual feedback included: 

It was one of the best training programmes I've ever been on in my 12 years of my role. I will highly recommend it to any colleague. 

I have already disseminated new knowledge to other team members - this has helped to not only inform my practice but other practitioners also - thank you 

Completing this course has enabled me to think and reflect on the environment that the young person lives. I will be able to reflect when discussing cases with partners and 'roll-out' some of the 'key points' when holding these discussions, looking at what else are we missing. I knew about Teenage Brain and Risk taking behaviour and this learning has broadened my knowledge.
