Solo Housing – Unconscious Bias Training
We provided a 1 day training session on Unconscious Bias for a range of staff from Solo Housing, including managers, direct support workers and admin staff. The team work with adults in need of supported social housing, interviewing them for places and continuing to provide ongoing individual support, including on substance misuse, health issues, employment and benefits.
The programme covered:
- Understanding what unconscious bias is (and what it isn’t)
- Learning how to create greater awareness of our own unconscious biases including triggers
- Understanding how unconscious bias can work at an organisational level
- Understanding of evidence-based research for Unconscious Bias
- Increasing awareness of own natural biases and how to challenge and manage them effectively
- Developing strategies and practical steps towards better and bias-free decision-making processes
Feedback included:
"I will take on board all I have learned today and make a conscious effort to put theory into practice."
"I plan to challenge myself to change some of the UB that I am now aware of."
"Well presented and informative/interactive."
"I feel this was an excellent course."