Stockton leadership development programme
We created and delivered a bespoke programme to support collaborative working across Stockton to the benefit of children and families. The course covered:
- Organisational culture and values
- Leadership and management principles, styles
- Change management
- Emotional intelligence
- Adaptive leadership
- Relationship management
- Leading through difficult times
- Managing upwards
- Self-awareness and insight
- Data and quality assurance
- Communication styles
It also included introducing a method called Co consulting - a framework to present, analyse and discuss a problem or dilemma.
All attendees stated that they greatly benefited from attending the programme. 100% of them rated it as excellent. Some specific comments regarding the benefits of attending are outlined below:
We were able to make deep connections with outside agencies as well as learn about ourselves and who we are as leaders.
- The course provided fantastic opportunities for me to reflect on myself.
- We have created relationships across the system.
- This was a safe space to learn and challenge as well as having the time and space to reflect.
- I have come to really understand myself and recognise that I am a leaders
- This programme had so many benefits including networking, building relationships and connections, learning about me, improved confidence, leadership approaches tools and strategies.
- I have massively built my confidence, had an opportunity to self reflect and develop my leadership skills. I feel like a different person. It has been a game changer.