Stockton-on Tees: Insights work to support integrated wellbeing model 0-19
In early 2022, Interface was commissioned to gather insight from a range of stakeholders to support the process for re-commissioning the integrated 0-19 Wellbeing Model. The model included the delivery of the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme, the Healthy Weight programme, Family Outreach and a ‘resilience’ pilot targeting young people with emerging risky behaviours. The focus was to deepen understanding about the strengths and challenges within the model, as well as understanding opportunities to better integrate services. The review needed to consider the changed context since 2018, when the model was first commissioned, including the development of family hubs, changes to mental health services with schools and post Covid recovery.
Interface conducted a programme of stakeholder engagement and reporting as follows:
- Initial Interviews with key leaders and managers to better understand contextual changes and to gather views on the coherence and effectiveness of the model within the wider system
- Three virtual review workshops across the multi-agency workforce, exploring perspectives on what is working well & not within the integrated service and across the wider system for children
- A concise thematic report analysing feedback against the key principles and goals of the service. This informed an integrated leadership workshop.
- Facilitation of a face-to-face integrated leadership workshop that reflected on the implications of this qualitative insight, where leaders and managers across the system. At the workshop, stakeholders confirmed their commitment to the integrated model, identified the priorities for strengthening system integration and agreed the service areas that presented opportunities to do things differently.
- A final report to bring together the insight and the outcomes of the final workshop.
This project supported:
- building strategic commitment to continued integration within a revised wellbeing model, taking account of contextual changes.
- the work of the commissioning team in their consideration of specific elements of the model to revise and/or review further as part of the commissioning process.