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Helpful research and resources published to help understanding of sibling sexual behaviour and abuse

The Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse has released research and resources to support professionals to improve their understanding of the nature and consequences of sibling sexual behaviour and abuse and give them the guidance to act.

With the latest Crime Survey in England and Wales finding more than a quarter of children who are sexually abused are abused by a family member, the resources will help professionals working with children support and help young people who are experiencing sexual behaviour and abuse from their siblings.

The Centre said “Despite having the core skills to respond, many professionals report a lack of knowledge or experience to feel confident in doing so effectively. Indeed, research suggests that sibling sexual behaviour can make professionals particularly uncomfortable, which may lead them to minimising the seriousness of behaviour or even catastrophising it further to access services.”

The free guide is split into two: Part A covers the identification and understanding of sibling sexual behaviour and Part B covers the professional response.

The guides can be found here and here

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Published on 21st September 2023
