Nesta sets out policy changes needed to create an ideal system for early childhood in England
Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good, has published a report setting out what it believes to be the key policy changes needed to create an ideal system for early childhood in England, with the aim of narrowing the gap in outcomes at school entry between children in low-income families and their better off peers.
The report considers the most important single action for narrowing the gap is the provision of high-quality, teacher-led early education, ideally starting from two years of age for children from low-income families. Other recommendations include changes to the qualification requirements for those working with young children and improvements in pay and conditions to attract talented candidates into the workforce.
The report also recommends changes aimed at levelling the playing field between providers of early education and care in the maintained and private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors.
Read the full report here
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Published on 23rd February 2024