SCIE publishes learnings from safeguarding audits and reviews
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has released findings from a research project which has reviewed ten safeguarding audits to identify the key themes and trends of areas for organisational development within a variety of areas such as Governmental Departments, Charities, Public, Private, Faith and Education sectors.
Anyone interested in these findings can join a webinar recording which aims to bring together these themes and trends as a guide to those seeking to identify potential areas of focus for those who are looking to consider their own organisational safeguarding developments.
SCIE is also running a series of webinars and other activities on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care in 2023 and 2024 as part of its outreach and engagement, to dissseminate learning across the sector.
Access to the webinar recording can be found here
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Published on 8th December 2023