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North Northamptonshire Family Hubs Leadership Development programme

We designed and delivered a bespoke leadership programme for staff across health and social care in North Northamptonshire. The aim was to support managers and leaders across the system to create lasting relationships which are key to creating the culture and system change needed to deliver on their Family hub agenda.

The 10-day programme ensured that participants benefited from creating trusting and collaborative relationships, learnt about themselves, their skills, values and aptitudes for leadership. We explored leadership theories, principles of effective leadership and change management and much more.

Participant feedback regarding the impact of the programme:

  • I can’t quantify how much this programme has impacted on myself, my team and others across the service. My  approach to other services has changed immensely. As a result of networking and developing my own role and confidence as a leader I am taking initiatives with partnership working. Recognising my own value and that of their service has given me confidence to take a lead on partnership working and not a back seat. This is only one of the impacts of the programme. Self-development that is now being reflected across my team has been recognised by my senior managers.  
  • The biggest impact has been the opportunity to learn together with system partners with the same goal. The course has allowed me to focus on my development needs and reflect on how I can improve as a leader in public health. It has been fantastic to learn about all the resources that are available to support us as leaders and some of the books shared by facilitators will aid my learning.
  • Having a much better understanding of leadership and how I can implement this to better my service; using the tools to get my team to work closer together; the relationships that have been formed with others across the family hubs network have been invaluable.
  • Opportunity to reflect and spend quality time to learn and understand tools and techniques to support my growth as a leader. I aim to be more confident, brave and create change when it’s needed. I will utilise the learning to support my team and influence the service to be more learning led.
  • The programme has enabled me to network and gain knowledge on what a family hub is. I have gained confidence/boundaries as a leader and confidence to manage upwards; I have learnt to build relationships across the services and I learnt from their journey too.
  • The biggest impact has been identifying qualities and approaches to put in practice – I’ve allowed myself to grow and be more confident in my role, using exercises shown within the programme to the team – understanding of different learning/leadership styles and adapting better to situations and individuals.

Want to know more about the programme – see HERE
