Multi-agency working
Working with individuals and families requires staff to work with multi agency partners to bring about effective and sustainable change.
This practical programme allows staff to consider blocks and barriers to effective multi agency working. We will consider skills to support staff to work effectively with partners including setting targets and agreeing support plans and how to effectively challenge.
It is practical and “hands on” with a focus on skills and strategy development, backed up by an understanding of why approaches work. The course will consider barriers and enablers and produces more confident and competent practitioners.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify organisational and professional cultures, values and beliefs in working multi agency
- Understand the importance of multi-agency working including:
- Joint family planning
- Agreeing a Multi agency process to assess change
- Working in partnership with families and organisational partners - Explore barriers around communication
- Remove barriers to improving services and strengthen relationships between services
- Understand the process of setting multi-agency support plan targets in a team around the family
- Identify how to appropriately challenge and break down barriers
- All courses are offered on a Face to Face or Virtual basis.
- Bespoke & Open Training Courses Available.
Case Studies
Caerphilly - Engaging Difficult to Engage Families
We provided a virtual training program to a range of staff on skills to engage families.Read More -
Stockton leadership development programme
We were commissioned to work with leaders across Stockton including those from public health, nursing and midwifery, early help services, health visiting and intelligence teams.
Motivational Interviewing - West London Zone
West London Zone is inspired by the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ), a ‘cradle-to-college’ pipeline of support for children. The HCZ approach is to do ‘whatever it takes’ to help young people escape generational disadvantage – with the ambition to achieve a ‘tipping point’ whereby the whole community has a positive experience of learning, work and family life.Read More -
Trauma Informed Practice – Management Implementation Action Learning Sets – Brighter Futures
We are supporting Brighter Futures to embed their Architecture for professional practice. This has Trauma Informed Practice and Restorative Approaches at its coreRead More
Cancellation Policy
Please see our cancellation terms / fees.