Working Effectively with Young People – Understanding Adolescent Development and Contextual Safeguarding in Families
In our work across the Country we see concerns and issues around:
- Lack of provision/skills/support that enables practitioners to feel confident to manage adolescent risk.
- Local authorities spending huge amounts of money on out of area looked after placements for adolescents where the family unit has broken down.
- An increase in Childhood Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Criminal Exploitation (CE), substance misuse, adolescent on parent violence and mental health issues.
- Decreased services available for young people in the community to meet adding pressure on family services.
- Staff sharing that it is increasingly difficult to engage the young people/adolescents as part of a wider family plan.
The risk factors for young people are spiralling. Practitioners are telling us that they are not feeling confident in how to respond. Systems and processes are not in place to support the response to contextualised safeguarding issues.
We have created a range of training packages and consultancy support options.
We have created a 3 day programme:
Day 1 – The foundations – Understanding young people, adolescents and risk.
Day 2 – Understanding and managing risk.
Day 3 – Theories, Tools and Practical Application to support intervention.
Consultancy Support
We also have a highly experienced team who are able to support systems, processes and leaders around contextual safeguarding.
Contact us for more information.
Read more about our working with young people programme
- All courses are offered on a Face to Face or Virtual basis.
- Bespoke & Open Training Courses Available.
Case Studies
Gloucestershire County Council – Family Hubs Youth Specification
As part of our wider family hub development work with Gloucestershire County Council, we worked with the youth services commissioning team to develop and draft a new youth services contract specification.
Motivational Interviewing - West London Zone
West London Zone is inspired by the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ), a ‘cradle-to-college’ pipeline of support for children. The HCZ approach is to do ‘whatever it takes’ to help young people escape generational disadvantage – with the ambition to achieve a ‘tipping point’ whereby the whole community has a positive experience of learning, work and family life.Read More -
LB Tower Hamlets Early Help
A series of training courses have been delivered to the Tower Hamlets’ Children Social Care, schools, the voluntary sector and wider partner organisations responsible for providing Early Help support.Read More -
Stockton - Strategic Partnership Away Day
We facilitated a session between Stockton Borough Council and Family Action who have been awarded a contract to deliver services across the area. Over a full day we worked with key senior leaders to consider vision, aims, risks and governance and create an action plan for the next few months.
Cancellation Policy
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